Core Fear Matrix Removal MP3


Core Fear Matrix Removal



To any of my friends here who may be in need of energy healing or Divine Source spiritual healing most especially for clearing all types of fears including all its emotional states like worry, anxiety, deep sadness or grief, feeling of abandonment, panic, etc, the mp3 recording of the group healing session for Core Fear Matrix Removal is already available
Here is a list of what we cleared during the session
Negative Entities and Implants
Negative Hooks and cords
Stagnant and dense energies
Fear of Inadequacy
Fear of Uncertainty/Fear of the Unknown
Fear of Failure
Fear of Rejection
Fear of Missing Out
Fear of Change
Fear of Losing Control
Fear of Being Judged
Fear of Something Bad Happening
Fear of Getting Hurt
Fear Of Being Punished
Fears and Phobias like fear of snakes, water, heights, losing loved ones, aggressors
We also cleared all matrices of anger, abandonment, anxiety, despair, helplessness, loneliness, shame, worry, panic, overwhelm and general negativity
And we installed/programmed/downloaded
Christ Consciousness
Unconditional Love
Allowance for Spontaneous Change
Happiness and Joy


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