ISA Money Light Codes Certifed Practitioners Class




πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’² ISA Money Light Codes Practitioner Certification – Activate YOUR Unique Divine Money Codes. πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²

Money Light codes are your personal money frequency transmissions, your cosmic fingerprints. With the advanced money frequency transmissions of The ISA Money Light Codes, you can energetically speed up the process of letting go of your ancestral fears, re-program your belief systems, and upgrade your environment through higher vibrational energies. All this will cascade into influencing your DNA to help you create a life in full money alignment, free of the shackles of the fears of the collective consciousness.

The ISA Money Light Codes are 28 codes, that when used properly, will unlock the Divine Money Genes waiting to be expressed by you. The ISA Money Light Codes will accelerate and stabilize positive change by energetically clearing the ancient limiting money beliefs embedded in your DNA while simultaneously reprogramming your cells with higher money frequencies designed to allow you to carry and hold more Money Divine Light.

Here are some examples of the ISA Money Light Codes:

πŸ’² ISA Money Light Code 1 – will clear the limiting beliefs that there is never enough money to pay the bills and install the energies of an overflow of money.

πŸ’² ISA Money Light Code 3 – will clear the limiting beliefs that I do not deserve to make money and install the energies that you are worthy of making a lot of money.

πŸ’² ISA Money Light Code 7 – will clear the limiting beliefs that having money is evil and make you a bad person and install the energies of being a good person and having money goes hand in hand.

πŸ’² ISA Money Light Code 12 – will clear the limiting beliefs that I cannot be as successful in making money as my parents and install the energies that you can be as successful as your parents and make a lot of money.

πŸ’²ISA Money Light Code 17 – will clear the limiting beliefs that I will never be able to get/have as much as others people have and install the energies that you deserve to have and able to get the amount of money that you truly desire as there is more than enough money for everyone.

πŸ’² ISA Money Light Code 21 – will clear the limiting beliefs that no matter how hard I try, I never seem to have enough money and install the energies that you are a money magnet and that you can attract money easily and effortlessly.

The ISA Money Light Code practitioner training consists of One l to 3 hours live training as well as 4 ISA Money Light Codes Meditation where each code will be installed and activated in you. You will also receive a total of 7 powerful ISA Money Light Codes Attunement during the course of the training.

As a Certified ISA Money Light Code practitioner, you will be able to use the 28 ISA Money Light Code in your healing business and for personal and family evolution. Plus you will have an opportunity to get listed for free on my website. These are BRAND NEW UPDATED FREQUENCIES that have been downloaded and worked with. If you feel called to walk this journey with me, you will truly be on the leading edge of bringing in and grounding advanced money frequencies transmissions.

πŸ’²πŸ’² The investment for the ISA Money Light Codes Level ONE Practitioner training is only $597 Who doesn’t love bonuses?

πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž BONUS ONE: Everyone who signs up will receive a copy of my recorded 28 Days of ISA Money Light Codes worth $280 BONUS TWO: Mp3 Recording of 7 very potent Integrated Soul Activations Business Activations worth $97

Here are what some of Patricia’s Practitioners have to say about the ISA Money Light Codes Certification Class:

Working with the ISA Money Light Codes Program has been one of my top favorite Investments not just for my business but more so for my own personal development! The frequencies allowed me to become aware of the old stories that kept me replaying in my subconscious mind to not welcome in more levels of wealth and financial prosperity. The clearings and activations are phenomenal if I say so myself! The best part of working with this healing modality is providing my clients with a session and no less then 36 hours after our time together they would message or call me to tell me how they received a financial blessing in some form. This happens every time I work with this modality! ISA Money Light Codes is my favorite tool to cultivate more wealth for me and my audience. Stephany Gomez Golden Spirit Council Energy Practitioner/Teacher/Mentor.


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